UX careers in Canada: The big picture

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“When I grow up, I want to be a user-experience designer.”

There might not be many Canadian children saying this today, but as the concept of UX becomes a more critical part of almost every kind of organization, this is a calling and a career path that needs to be better understood.

To that end, CommerceLab reached out to more than a dozen Canadian UX executives and recruiters to develop the following infographic, which plots out the key skills, compensation levels, how job demand maps out across the country and more.

Help us continue to refine this data by offering your own feedback in the comments field below, on Twitter at @The CommerceLab or our contact form.


The CommerceLab

CommerceLab is an interactive place to share cutting-edge digital media research and commercialization in Canada. We connect the business and academic worlds with the information they need to be competitive, to grow, and to compete on a global scale.