Millennials user experience trends: Taking a look at the importance of mobile media

Millennials user experience trends Canada

A vital part of providing great customer service is creating an experience that your customers enjoy and come to expect over time. This is why companies are investing heavily in research, tools, and technology to boost their UX capabilities.

One of the main focal points and an emerging trend for user experience design is to focus on the ever important millennial generation. They are the largest generation since the baby boomers and have a major impact on the economy today and into the future. One key area that is an increasingly important user experience trend with millennials is the use of mobile technology.

Millennials’ Habits – Mobile Media is the Key

Mobile media is an important factor for creating user experience. With smartphones and tablets becoming a more integrated part of our lives, using these devices to enhance user experiences can be a key factor for engagement.

According to a survey conducted earlier this year by Immobi,

“Millennials spend an average of 7.2 hours per day consuming media content, with more of that time spent on mobile devices than any other platform. This generation now devotes an average of almost 2.0 hours per day to mobile media, ahead of television (1.5 hours) and the desktop (1.6 hours).”

As outlined in an the article, Consumption Habits of Millennials in the US, by Jenny Mudarri:

“According to a study conducted by Pew Research Center, almost half of adults ages 35-44 own a tablet computer as of 2013, which is significantly more than any other age group, while smartphones are most popular with younger adults.”

It’s clear that mobile devices are the future, especially when it comes to user engagement. If companies want to reach their customer, mobile is a must; and it could also lead to multi-screen experiences. However, if you are attempting to engage users using mobile, your technology needs to work seamlessly or your millennials will disengage.

A recent study on consumer behavior and preference states, “Users will not tolerate a problematic mobile app, and will abandon it after only one or two failed attempts…79 percent would retry a mobile app only once or twice if it failed to work the first time.”

User Experience Trends in the Workplace

Mobile technology is also becoming important in the workplace. Millennials prefer to use their own personal mobile devices over technology that is provided in their office, making BYOD (bring your own device) an opportunity for companies to improve user experience and engagement in the workplace

As outlined on,Forrester says the best way to prepare for growth and changes in BYOD is to meaningfully understand your workers’ needs and how and where they work.”

The report goes on to state that,

“…the BYOD trend as only just begun. It also found that 64 percent of the 10,000 information workers it surveyed said they use their smartphones at their work desks…Having apps on tablets and smartphones means that employees can carry their work in their pockets…and work from any location: Meeting rooms, coffee shops and homes are just the most obvious new offices.”

Millennials’ user experience trends are clear—Mobile is widely adopted and will play a large role in creating unique and effective user experiences.


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